
something is wrong with my foot.

About two weeks ago, on a random morning in the middle of the week, after nothing extraordinary happened the night before, I walked out the door on my way to work and discovered a surprising surplus of pain signals being sent from my right foot. I stopped walking, poked a few spots of the foot to verify, then proceeded walking.

It hasn't gone away.

In my day, I played volleyball, and I was always landing on the ball or other people's feet, so ankle injuries are common and frequent to me. Small differences in the height of the sidewalk can cause me to wobble, as can tiny stones or pebbles under my sole, and occasionally simply standing does the trick. But as such, I am very well trained on something that is different, something that hurts more and longer than usual.

For the life of me, I can't figure out what I did to cause this pain. I just woke up one day and it was there. I tried to walk it off, but since the pain is on my foot, walking increases it. In a city where walking is not leisurely but essential (much to Kevin's dismay), I don't know what to do to rest it. I take Advil, I ice it, but still simply putting weight on it causes major discomfort.

Ironically, the one trick that seems to alleviate the pain is wearing heels. Flat shoes? No good. Very supportive expensive sneakers? No help. High heeled shoes that cause blisters when worn for more than a block? Ah, heavenly relief.

So now I think I'm going to have to utilize my Very Expensive Insurance that I purchased through the Very Expensive University, go to the Very Not Local health center, wait an eternity in a Very Uncomfortable Chair (which, really, is fine as long as it doesn't have Very Cold Stirrups), and have some Very Useless Doctor tell me to give it a couple weeks, take Advil, and ice it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many years ago I had a similar problem and no one seemed to know what was wrong or how to fix it. One day in the supermarket I ran into an elderly gent who asked what was wrong and when I told him how it came on out of the blue, he told me this: wear a GOOD pair of lace-up oxfords with a slight wedge to the sole, and guess what? Yup, it cured the problem. And every time it reappered I just put on the "ugly oxfords" and Voila'! So give it a try...it helped "Luffy".