
hot young doctors!

Lunchtime: the only part of my day where I get up and walk more than 50 feet in any given direction. Today, I decided to go get lunch since I decided to ditch the crutches. I figured I'd take the foot out for a spin, see how it's doing. I also decided, like I sometimes do, that my lunch must contain honey mustard.

I opted for a sandwich from Subway. I always go to the same one down on 28th street, but they have been unimpressive as of late. So I decided to try the other one, equally distant in another direction.

So off I go, down the street. Some crazy lady came up to me and asked for change, and I said no. I crossed the street, and she crossed the street, stopping people along the way and asking for change. Then she looked at me and said "spare some change?" After calculating the potential for unloading some pennies on her, I said no again. Then I crossed the street to get away from her.

Anyhow, I get to the Subway and walk in and...TA-DAH! Completely filled with hot young doctors! It didn't occur to me until that moment that this Subway (or should I say Scrubway) was right near the hospital (the one I sat at for two hours yesterday). All around me were delicious young men in green scrubs. I can't believe that for three months I've been going to the wrong Subway, all the while the hot young doctors were in this one!!

Now I know, I guess. Next time I'll be more prepared, like flashier earrings and nicer shoes. And maybe, just maybe, I should bring the crutches to solicit a medical opinion over lunch...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or as Luffy would do, buy a pair of scrubs and wear them the next time you go there, probably when you're not working. :o)