
So like, she like, won.

Last night, like many other people, I was watching the Olympics on TV. I was glued to the women's gymnastics, the one sport that never fails to bring feigned high-intensity media drama that exists only on the television and not in real life. Every other sentence starts with "As a girl in a devistated Russia..." or "In a poor Romanian village..." Whatever. Just show me the uneven bars and shut the hell up. Thank god for the Mute button.

Anyhow, I'm watching and it's down to the last rotation. I eagerly await the competition, and during a commercial break I decide to look up (on the internet, of course) how tall Svetlana Khorkina (aka, Ostrich Girl) is. She seems to tower over other gymnasts with her long neck--I mean legs--but I know she can't possibly be all that tall. Turns out she's 5'5". I wanted to compare that to the tiny Romanian I became a fan of: Oana Ban. She's a mere 4'6". For the hell of it I checked Carly Patterson, a very median 4'9". And right there, right next to her face, was the unignorable, suspense-ruining headline "Patterson follows Hamm with another all around gold."

After yelling, screaming, and cursing that I accidentally saw the result online two minutes before I would have seen it on TV, I decided to watch anyway. Surely I was in for a good performance. So I did, and I saw the "Texas dynamo," the "next Mary Lou" stay upright on a 4" piece of wood. Amazing.

So she wins, people clap, Ostrich Girl cries, blah blah blah. And eventually the news lady, who was thankfully NOT Elfie f-ing Shlaegel (Elfie? Elfie? Come on now, please, what kind of a name is that?), rushes over to Carly Patterson in proper Olympic style: microphone in hand, overly dramatic questions firing away before the athlete has even caught her breath. This always annoys me, but this time what annoyed me more was the answers. "Carly, you just won gold. How do you feel?"

"I'm just like, wow, like, I just like, won the gold medal. I don't even like know how I feel right now." I was HORRIFIED at how this girl, this child, was speaking. She must have like, said "like" like, 42 times in 6 seconds. Now, I know it happens. "Like" is a frequent word out of my own mouth, but you damn well better believe that if someone stuck a microphone in front of my face so I could tell the world how I felt about a gold medal, I'd switch to Non-Like mode before I spoke.

Yeah, I know, I know. She's only 16. Every 16 year old girl in America speaks this way now, and she's no different. But that's exactly my point. Are they like, teaching this in grammar lessons now? Does the Blue Book now have a chapter assigned to Proper Use of the Word 'Like' in which students are instructed to place "like" before every major adjective, adverb, and verb, or in place of commas? What is like, going on here??

What's worse, non-Americans are watching this interview with distraught looks on their faces as they try to translate these strange little syllables that occur 6-8 times per sentence. "Habib, go get my dictionary. What means this 'like'??" And Brits just shake their heads, thinking "first they dumped our tea, now they are ruining our language."

Yes, maybe we are. But that's what makes America great. You can like, totally butcher the language, and like totally sound like an idiot on television but like, we don't care, and we'll like, still totally give you a gold medal anyway. Oh and by the way, like nice dismount.


Anonymous said...

Oh My God.....how dare you blast cute little Carly. She was like awesome.....I remember these two girls who like.....ummmm always used to use the word "like". You know...like....Oh My God....No Way. I think they were about 13 and 16 years old!!!! So, like I'm really glad Carly won....cuz I thought she was like really good!!

Don't worry....she'll like out grow it. You did.

Steph said...

I never said I thought Carly didn't deserve to win. In fact, I referred to her skills as "amazing." I just think that when we send 16-year-olds overseas to represent our country, perhaps we should give them a little lesson in publicity, or public speaking. Perhaps a dry run of what it's like to have a microphone shoved in your face and being forced to come up with impromptu responses. I'm fairly certain that, even at 16, the "little girl" you refer to was able to de-like her speech when the situation called.

Anonymous said...

my guess is that she doesn't have alot of time for grammar lessons or public relations tips while she is training to get the united states an olympic gold medal. i guess it is too bad we all can't be such literary wonders.

Anonymous said...

wow, that's awfully harsh. i wonder what makes you so bitter that you have to take away from a 16 year olds dream come true. maybe you could avoid using "like" in an interview, but with your trash mouth you would probably drop the F-bomb a couple times. by the way, you spelled devastated wrong. nice job, editor.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she didn't say "like really" 16 times instead! Also, she is obviously going to be an English major and will likely be selling athletic gear or super duper athlete protecting femine products or something like that. Tell me, did she use the word "Dude" at all?!?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she didn't say "like really" 16 times instead! Also, she is obviously going to be an English major and will likely be selling athletic gear or super duper athlete protecting femine products or something like that. Tell me, did she use the word "Dude" at all?!?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she didn't say "like really" 16 times instead! Also, she is obviously going to be an English major and will likely be selling athletic gear or super duper athlete protecting femine products or something like that. Tell me, did she use the word "Dude" at all?!?

Anonymous said...

To all you people who trashed Nycitygal for her reflections on Carly's post-medal speech - where, people, is your SENSE OF HUMOR??? How cumbersome life must be for you all, taking everything sooo seriously. How unaccepting and defensive you must be to be feel you have to personally attack a person for publicizing an opinion that is different from your own. (I'm thinking specifically of the person who suggests that Nycitygal's skills as an editor are lacking because she missed a typo or misspelling on her informal blog site. Remember the the advice you got in English class about two sets of eyes and editing your own work?) And for those of you who don't like "potty mouth," it's your constitutional right not to visit the site. So, no problems then, right? Geez, people, like, lighten up!

Anonymous said...

Tell me, did "Anonymous" repeat the post three times in honor of the RNC, "if I say it enough it will start to sound true"?

Although nycitygal is "not completely a new yorker yet" she takes the nasty responses in stride and continues to entertain us with these interesting stories from her new home. Way to go. And since when was a blog supposed to be error free?

the other KH

Anonymous said...

Nope... nothing to do with the RNC, but more to do with the REFRESH button! Sorry 'bout that Chief!

I guess maybe that one should be submitted to the Department of Redundancy Department?