
shoe disorder

It is no secret to me nor anyone who knows me that I have a certain fondness for cute shoes. Usually this is a source of various jokes and knowing looks, or at other times of laughter and squeals of "show me what you got this time!" So you can imagine that recently, when I had to shop for a dress for my father's wedding, I was thrilled for the excuse it offered me to buy yet even MORE shoes.

Before I had actually picked out a dress, I was looking for new shoes. Some of you might say I tend to work "backwards," starting with the shoes and planning an outfit--or formal dress--around them. But I showed great resolve, and bought only two pairs of shoes that I would not wear with the dress. I see this as an improvement.

However, when I arrived home that day, dressless but with two new boxes of foot fashion, I walked into my apartment and realized the horror of my disease. My shoe disorder spawned its own shoe disorder, amounting to, as far as I can count, a minimum of ten recently worn pairs of shoes in the middle of my kitchen floor:

In an effort to self-discipline, I insisted I put away all my current shoes before any new shoes were broken out of their boxes. So I went to my closet, and found a catastrophic mess of empty shoeboxes and lids tossed carelessly about:

(Note: Yes I keep the boxes. Shoes store and stack much easier that way, now leave me alone!)

So, I started putting the shoes away, appropriately coordinating boxes to shoes, and placing the shoes heel-to-toe beside each other in the boxes. In doing so, I learned that I not only have 21 pairs of shoes in boxes in my closet (excluding the various freebees like flip-flops and sneakers that are just loose in a pile beneath the boxes), but I also have--and I'm a little embarrassed to admit this publicly--5 pairs of pink shoes. Five. That's SICK.

So I'm actually very relieved that the new shoes I bought were yellow (my only yellow shoes) and black (my only black open-toed beaded strappy sandal with ankle fastener shoes), and not pink. And I'm both hopeful and confident that, with the right attitude and a little self-discipline, my shoes will stay in their boxes in the closet when not in use.

I know, I know. I have issues. I am completely aware that I need some sort of shoe-addicts 12-step program. But even if it exists, it begs the question....

Which shoes would I wear to the meetings?


Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, a 12 "step" program???

Anonymous said...

ohhh, Steph, I totally LOVE the pink shoes in the picture! Are they Candies? Too bad you're not Luffy's size.

Anonymous said...

Do NOT tell her those pink polka dotted shoes are cute! Please! She already THINKS they're cute (ughh)hence the way she struts around Sawgrass after a few ritas! Hey, the grey sweatshirt didn't match, but those pink shoes were looking DAMN sexy!LOL!

Steph said...

Watch it, punk. It's not that I think those shoes are cute. They ARE cute. And they matched my pink SHIRT that day, which you would have seen if I wasn't wearing a sweatshirt due to being super sunburned and suffering in the Florida mall a/c temperature of 12 degrees. So bite me! Hard!

Anonymous said...

LOL...I'm so amused right now! Thanks sis! You just keep on strutting! :)

Anonymous said...

Like we always say...if you've got it flaunt it...and baby, you've got it!

Anonymous said...

Luffy said...
Do you ever!!!

Anonymous said...

no offense, but those pink shoes look like trailer trash. they are almost as horrendous as the pink pumps.

Nudle said...

21, hah! That's not'ding, not'ding! I have more than that and I'm a gentleman. My wife's got you beat sister, 89 and counting.

Anonymous said...

I like blogs. I like yours. First one I found looking for purses. Take care.