
turn it off! turn it OFF!!

I woke groggily this morning to the typical sounds of my alarm clock blaring beside my head. I rolled over and hit the snooze button, as usual. But almost immediately thereafter, it started...

"I've...been searching high...I've...been searching low...."

I didn't know what it was, or where it was coming from, but it was most definitely in my head.

"Wanna spend my liiiiife....with yooooooou..."

Suddenly, my just-awakened head was singing aloud. My eyes weren't fully opened yet but I was gettin' down with some undeterminable song whose lyrics were running on replay.

Still humming along, I wandered sleepily into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Through the gurgling I sang, bobbing my head along with the imaginary beat. I was about to spit a mouthful of toothpaste when it hit me.

I was singing a Milli Vanilli song.

Now, I can't tell you HOW or WHY this song was in my head the MINUTE I woke up this morning. My alarm is not a radio. I had not heard any music that I was aware of. Why, now, at 6:45 on a Monday morning were Rob and Fab making a cameo in my brain?

The sheer horror of the realization caused me to throw myself into the hottest-coldest shower I could muster in some mangled attempt to punish it away, but the song just wouldn't stop. Not even when I told it, "Buh-buh-buh-bye, buh-buh-buh-bye baby. Don't forget my number..."

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