
ding dong! EDF calling!

Okay people. This story is not for the weak of stomach nor those who wish not to know me well. This is definitely in the category of "things I didn't need to know about Stephanie."

Many moons ago, I sent an email out to a few family members and close friends about something I call the EDF. Now, the original email cannot be found, and I've long wanted to re-create it. But, I thought, I should wait until I'm "inspired" again, or it will be lacking that sense of pain and urgency. Well, guess what. It's your lucky fucking day. I'm "inspired."

See, when I was a kid growing up, my mom told me about the tooth fairy, and santa claus, and the easter bunny. There were all these fairy tale figures who brought goodness and joy (and money and chocolate) at night while I slept. But what she never warned me about was the bastard step-child of the fairy tale world: the Explosive Diarrhea Fairy (or EDF for short).

The EDF, unlike other creatures, comes not only at night, but really any time he damn well pleases. He's a small, fat, blading, burly man who shows a plumber's crack at all times. He's omnipresent, lurking around corners and in shadows, watching carefully what you eat, and waiting for the most inopportune moment possible to wave his warped little wand and put a an evil spell of the trots on you. He knows, for example, when I've eaten Mexican or Thai food, gives me about 20 minutes to think I'll be okay, then Poof!

The EDF's spell creates what is essentially an express canal that bypasses all 30 feet of intestinal fortress and directly connects your stomach to your ass. The express canal, when opened, means that within about 30 minutes of eating, you'll be shitting your brains out for no apparent reason. This is the deranged humor of the EDF.

And to add insult to injury, he throws in a little pre-game show in which you must sit and suffer hot flash, cold flash, hot flash, cold flash, wondering why you are sweating/freezing until you feel a gastrointestinal rumble that you know ain't natural. And while you dab at your sweaty brow with a towel, fanning yourself and drinking water, the EDF lurks from afar, waiting to see your EDM (Explosive Diarrhea March) down the hallway, cheeks clenched, as you barge into the bathroom and drop an EDB (Explosive Diarrhea Bomb), consequently clearing out the whole floor and being heretofore known as "the one with the stank ass."

So here I sit, just coming off a hot flash but now shivering, knowing that the EDF is about to strike again. If you see me doing the EDM down the hall, please, evacuate the premises, and if you see the EDF anywhere, tell him I'm coming to kick his ass...as soon as I get off the can.


Anonymous said...

Well, be glad you do not have a hour long commute by car! I have been in the situation where I had similar visits, or passed through his town, with 15-20 minutes left to my commute. I do the same thing... chills, sweats, panic. I pull my seat belt as tight as possible while chenching my cheeks as tight as humanly possible in hopes of sphincter sealing my condition away for a few more minutes while I finish my commute. It's another five minutes to the nearest rest room once I park and I do that "short-fast step" thing in hopes of not stretching the sphincter muscles so much that it decides to let go... and to date have made it in the nick of time without incident.

Best of luck to you in avoiding the EDF! Maybe one day you will find crisp 100 dollar bills in the TP when you peel it off! ;)

Steph said...

Oh ho ho...TRUST ME. I have been in the car stuck in the left lane on a 4-lane highway while clenching my cheeks and sweating and hanging my head out the window like a dog for air while also blasting the A/C directly onto my face, all the while looking at the McDonalds across the highway that has a dirty but available restroom that makes me contemplate putting the car into park (since we're not moving anyway) and running the EDM over the concrete barriers to drop an EDB at Mickey-D's. Nothing like TRAFFIC to calm your express canal. I've been there.

Anonymous said...
