First, let me say sorry. I'm sorry it's been almost 2 weeks since I blogged. That's simply...unforgivable. But I was busy being a psychotically bitchy stress ball, which I also see as "gathering material" for my blog.
Second, forgive this actual account for being very Boston-centric (and long). But, well, it was. Also note that names of characters have been changed to protect their identity, except "Dad," who is actually my Dad.
Without further ado, I present my next-day retelling of the airport trip...
the Big Dig strikes again.“So,” you are asking yourself. “I wonder how Stephanie’s trip back to Boston was.”
Take a seat. I’ll tell you.
My flight from New York couldn’t have been better. We took off on time, landed 30 minutes early, my suitcase beat me to the baggage claim, and Andrea, my ride, pulled up to the curb moments later. We had a lovely dinner with Kelly, my cousin Erin met up with us to drive me back to her house (where I am staying), and everything was right on track.
11:20pm: Jessica calls from the airport. She has two voicemails from our father who was due to pick her up. One says he’s on his way but running late, the other says he’s lost. She decides to head to baggage claim, and Erin and I decide to continue home (an hour away).
11:40: Jessica calls again. “Stephanie, HELP ME. Dad called, and he’s TOTALLY lost somewhere in Boston and I can’t help him. PLEASE call him.”
11:43: I call my father. He has no idea of his whereabouts and says he got this way because the Big Dig has shut down the Mass Pike, his only known route to the airport. He can’t tell me even whether he’s in Boston or Cambridge, but he suspects Cambridge (even though that seems geographically impossible from the Pike), and will call me back when he figures it out. Erin and I continue home.
11:50: I call Jessica back with the advice to grab a seat somewhere, Dad’s lost, he’s not asking anyone for directions, and he’ll figure it out eventually.
12:07: Jessica calls back, concerned Dad still doesn’t know where he is, and asks me to try to help again. Despite being only 20 minutes from our destination, I tell Jessica that if Dad isn’t there by 12:30, Erin and I will turn around and go pick them up.
12:30: Dad is so very lost, but at least knows he is in Cambridge. He gets back on Route 2, somehow back on to the Mass Pike, and back in the same shut-down detour as last time. He’s been dumped back above ground somewhere near the Prudential building, and not having any knowledge of the City, he’s completely screwed up. I coach him in whatever way I can, back down Route 9, down Brookline Ave, over to Comm Ave and Storrow Drive. I say, “I KNOW you can to the airport from Storrow Drive.”
12:50: Erin, on her phone with a increasingly cranky Jessica, tells her Dad’s on his way, he’s on Storrow Drive, he’ll take 93 and be there in no time.
1:15: Dad calls. Storrow Drive is closed and dumping him on some other shitty detour. Now that I’m at Erin’s house, and in front of a computer, I look at a map while he tells me where he’s going. Until I usddently hear… “Shit. I’m about to run out of gas. SHIT. I am. GOD DAMMIT. I have to go.” Click. Silence. I look at Erin, she looks at me. “We have a gas can,” she says. I nod. We both put our shoes back on.
1:30: We are back in the car, this time my aunt’s SUV (with room for 5!), my dying cell phone with no car charger, my father stuck on an overpass “somewhere near Chinatown,” Jessica pissed off at the airport (but at least not alone – Charles was with her), and Erin and I are traversing back the way we just came with no idea how we’re going to find my father. The best map of Boston my aunt has is from 1986, so worn that many letters just don’t show up.
2:30: My father calls to see where we are. He has walked to a gas station and may be able to get a can and some gas. I tell him we are almost there, and not to bother. (Besides, we drove all this way, dammit! Why didn't he check an hour ago?) He says he asked some construction guys and he’s on Albany and Kneeland Streets. I have never heard of either, and the map only shows one. We get on Storrow Drive, get pushed off, try to repeat my father’s errors and find ourselves on Albany with no sign of my father.
2:45: By dumb luck (and several illegal u-turns), we end up on Kneeland, and follow it to Albany, and find my father standing on the corner. We follow him to his car, park behind it, fill him up, and follow him to the gas station which, for the record, is less than a half mile away and DOWN A HILL. If he’d made it 50 more feet, he could have coasted on fumes.
2:50: Super Cranky Jessica wants to know what the HELL is going on. I tell her we’ve found dad, we’re at the gas station, and are trying to figure out how to proceed with the airport trip. Do we send Dad home and have me and Erin go? Do we send Dad, and Erin and I go home? We decide we should ALL go to the airport, in two cars, to make sure EVERYONE gets there, and EVERYONE gets home. I tell Jess we’re 10 minutes away. She says "I'm gonna hold you to that." I say "Oh yeah? How?"
2:52: We easily find “93 North” except…it’s closed. The Big Dig Unmarked Detour leads us over various city streets, which I guide Erin through using what little rusty knowledge I have left of the city. I say repeatedly “the Callahan tunnel. We need the tunnel. Where’s the TUNNEL??” We never see it. It’s not there. So we fall back to our final resort, Plan G: Take Route 1 North.
3:10: Atop the Tobin Bridge (in the middle lane of course, because Erin and I are both terrified of bridges), I shout “I SEE THE AIRPORT!!!!” But…Route 1, which I have never taken to the airport before, decides to take us on the scenic route.
3:30: Jessica calls. “You said TEN MINUTES.” I assure her we are trying our best, and I now see first-hand why Dad got so lost in the first place. I tell her we really are close now, and as we are talking, we finally, FINALLY, four hours after her flight landed, enter the airport.
3:35: We enter the brand new Terminal A to find Jessica and Charles shivering in an enclosed bus stop shelter. We park our two cars, and laugh, and hug, and put them into my father’s car. I tell my father “To get home, take 93 North, 95 South, to Route 2.”
3:40: We pay the toll and enter the reduced-lane, leaky-ass, multi-million dollar tunnel. Signs for 93 North indicate we can’t fucking go that way, which is actually ok, because Storrow Drive is open and MUCH faster. I call my father and inform him of the change in plans.
3:45: We are successfully driving on Storrow Drive with no signs of problems, and two full tanks of gas. Three, actually. The gas can in the back seat is so pungent that we are driving with the windows open despite the 40° weather, and trying to ignore the sting in our respiratory passages.
4:35: As the sky lightens with the prospect of sunrise, Erin and I pull into the garage. We lug ourselves into the house, and drop almost instantly into comas. My quick 40 minute plane ride had become an 8-hour journey from hell.