
from jose to juan: fine beverages of south america

Today is the second day in a row that I have needed--physically, emotionally needed--a cup of coffee to stay functional. To most of you, this is a normal, everyday realization. But for me, it's abnormal. I don't drink coffee.

Typically I save my emergency coffee rations for days after strong doses of tequila, when I drag my lifeless body slothlike into the office, and become nothing more than a useless and dormant pile of tissue that barely generates thought. On those days, coffee provides an essential kick in the pants to get me on a more passable, functioning level.

But other than that, I'm not a coffee girl. I never drank it in high school or college. I wake up with orange juice and a hot shower. I stay awake with Coca-cola. If I'm cold AND tired, I'll have hot tea. Coffee just doesn't click with me. In order for me to like the taste, I have to get it with a cow and 5-lb sack of sugar so I don't taste the bitterness.

Well, let me say that lately, I AM a coffee girl. Apparently, the nearly mortal combination of laboriously boring work and graduate school make coffee vital to my daily activity. It also causes me to speak rather breathlessly at a rapid pace for several minutes at a time. But it DOES make me alert, awake, and effective. I'm less slumped in my chair, and less glossed-over expressions grace my face.

I do, however, have three concerns:

1) The potential for addiction. I don't think I have an addictive personality (but I don't know how you judge these things, so maybe I do), but the effects are simply undeniable. I can see how day after day my need would increase, and I'd get antsy for a hit, rummaging through the trash for a Starbucks cup with a few drops in it. Or, worse, taking up what little space is available on my new york studio apartment postage-stamp-sized countertop by purchasing a coffee pot, with a timer, so I can wake up every day to the bubbly percolation and aromatic scent of a fresh pot. I won't let it go that far.

2) Coffee breath. To me, there is no worse personal odor offense than coffee breath. (This category excludes other odor offenses, like microwaving fish.) I have deep, elaborate, and insane theories on the kind of people who have coffee breath, and I refuse--REFUSE--to be one of them. These are people who, for one thing, often have chapped, pale lips, most likely from all the sipping, licking, and wiping of coffee in the mouth area. I can tell a coffee-breather from a mile away just based on the quality and color of their lips. Also, coffee-breathers tend to be close-talkers--or perhaps the converse. If you HAVE coffee breath, don't get CLOSE enough to me for me to smell it. GROSS. I cannot become one of these people.

3) Poop factor. I know that coffee makes people poop. My friend Jill, who will not be embarrassed by this because she thinks poop is very funny, and in fact is actually nicknamed by me as "Poop," insists that simply smelling coffee generates that deep-bowel rumble that sends her excitedly trotting off to the can before a drop of java ever touches her lips. I'm already not a big fan of at-office pooping, and I'm afraid drinking too much coffee will throw me off my mark and give me no other choice than to fly down the hallway in one of those urgent, desperate, hopeful dashes to the bowl where I pray that no one else is in or within proximity of the bathroom (a sentiment usually reserved for EDF attacks).

So there you have it. I am dumping out the rest of this sugary cup o' joe, grabbing a piece of gum, and will retain control over my intestines. I will not become addicted. I will not become addicted. I will not...

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