
la cucaracha

I have encountered this weekend a "first" in my little manhattan apartment. It happened when I opened a drawer in the kitchen, and saw out of the corner of my eye some sort of unexpected movement. It was, I dare say, a cockroach - but a little one.

To my huge surprise, I didn't freak out. I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I didn't freeze in terror. I simply tried to get the bug. I was unsuccessful, of course, because they are fast little fuckers, and when I gave up my search and considered my unpanicked reaction, I realized this...

All those nasty jurassic creatures I encountered in Boston, those dirty gazillion-legged little assassins that hid in the shower and pantry, those horrid incidents were all preparation for this, my first run-in with a new york cockroach. Compared to the centipedes (I seriously almost vomit just typing the word), these roaches are a walk in the park. I mean sure, I still immediately grabbed several shoes to arm my hands and feet for attack. And sure, I was holding a giant butcher knife as some sort of idiotic defense (but really, mostly because it was in the drawer and I had to move it), but I assure you that the sense of panic and despair was absolutely minimal as compared to the - you know, the ones with all the legs.

So, the hunt continues. I will find this dirty little asshole roach, and I will kill him. And I know that it is just him, that he is alone, because that's what I want to believe. Clearly, the Boston Bug Community hasn't relayed word yet to their New York affiliates that I guarantee death, even if I don't have a braver roommate to handle it for me. You're as good as dead, little cucaracha.


Steph said...

At 8:39pm, the little bastard re-appeared while I was about to switch the trays of cookies in the oven. Armed with potholders on each arm, a paper-towel, the aforementioned butcher's knife, and one left flip-flop, I chased the little bastard around until he met his death beneath my left foot. That, and I didn't even burn the cookies. BOOYA!!

Anonymous said...

...and I hope you gritted your teeth and mutterred to him "your terminated Fucker!"

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just moved to an apartment and have Centipedes. How do you get rid of those ugly bastards?

Steph said...

Well, Rafael, I had several methods for eradicating the centipedes:

1) Pull all arms and legs up onto a chair or table or other raised surface, close your eyes, and pretend you didn't see a centipede.
2) Scream and cry bloody murder until someone else comes to kill the centipede for you.
3) Buy a GIANT can of Raid and spray it until you can't spray no more, then step on the little bastard.

As far as I can tell, it's an infestation like any other - you need a professional to get to the source.

Steph said...

Oh my god. I almost just threw up again. Look at THIS bad boy!! Venomous Centipede!

I can't take it anymore. No more centipede talk.

Amanda said...

ugh! i have a minor freak-out everytime i see one without fail...just an instantaneous jolt and (like i had tourette's) i shout "f*cker" at the little bastard. i hear you on this one...