
return from the e-dead

I know, I know. Where have I been. Well, the point is, I'm back. For now. For an unknown amount of time. And if I disappear again, all complaints can be directed to Time Warner Cable & Internet Assholes.

My internet and cable went off on October 9th. And since then, it hasn't come back on consistently for more than about an hour at a time. This, to me, is a totally annoying and unacceptable inconvenience. And every time I call for support, they can only offer me mid-day appointments.

"How's Tuesday between noon and four?"
"Uh, actually, I have to work so...how about a weekend appointment?"
"Well ma'am, I'm showing that our earliest available weekend appointment is on November the 12th."
"So, I've had no internet or cable for over two weeks and you want me to wait three MORE weeks to get it fixed?"
"Ma'am, we'd be happy to credit you for the time that you were without service."
"That's not the POINT, Lashonda. The point is I'm dead in the water without internet and I'd like to think you'd do a little more to fix it for me."

And so it goes. I'm left constantly refreshing the local wireless networks for a signal I can pirate for 2 minutes while I get a quick hit of email to tide me over until I can check again from work. And naturally, 2 minutes just ain't enough time for me to write up a blog post for all y'alls.

So, like I said, I'm back, but probably not for long. If I vanish again, don't blame me, blame the assholes at Time Warner. I do.


Moxy said...

That really sucks. My laptop automatically connects to my neighbour's wireless so everytime mine goes down I'm fine.

If I couldn't check my e-mail at least 3 times a day I think I would spontaneously combust.

Pato Larraín said...


Saludos desde Chile, un lugar el final del sur del mundo.

Estar sin conexión a Internet, por más que tus vecinos tengan WIFI y puedas asomarte por la puerta cerca de la escalera y tomar su señal, es de lo peor que puede pasar. En fín, sigue escribiendo, tus post son muy entretenidos.
