
healing wounds

Apparently, I was subconsciously worried about the hole in my hand from the blood draw yesterday, because this morning I sealed it shut with a hot iron.

More specifically, I tripped over one of the 18 pairs of shoes on my floor, lunged into the ironing board with force, jolting the hot iron from its upright stance right onto to vulnerable top of my already achy hand.

I hate this week. HATE IT.


Anonymous said...

ahhh, Steph, you are accident prone to say the least. but at least you cauterized it!!! smart move, even if it weren't on purpose!

pirategirl said...

awww been readin your blog for a few days, things aint going your way babe.
dont worry, theres only one way you can go from here.... unless you're in a great glass elevator, in which case i'll shut my mouth.
chin up