
lazy blog girl

Get to know your blogger...who wasted too much time on this stupid email to actually have time to write a blog.


(Once upon a time, I used to get these from my 12-year-old cousins. Now I get them from my 30-something-year-old friends. Very amusing.)

1. What time is it? 10:15am on a Thursday.
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Stephanie *********
3. Nicknames: Sis, Stepha (zalsa only), Stephie (family only), Hops.
4. Piercing: Three per ear.
5. Eye color: Used to be brown, now greenish, I guess.
6. Place of birth: Fitchburg, MA. 2nd hilliest city in the U.S. woohoo!
7. Favorite food: Cheese. And Chocolate. Or any combination.
8. Ever been to Africa? No
9. Ever been toilet papering? Not that I recall. I was a good kid.
10. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yeah, fucknut.
11. Been in a car accident? Not when I was driving.
12. Croutons or bacon bits? Yes please.
13. Favorite day of the week: Saturday. Week's over, and a new one has yet to begin. Aaah.
14. Favorite restaurant: Solea, in Waltham, MA or Not Your Average Joe's, of greater Boston, just for the bread.
15. Favorite flower: pretty colored ones, whatever they are.
16. Favorite sport to watch? My Patriots football, baby!! (And not JUST for Adam Vinatieri's ass.)
17. Favorite drink: Nothing beats a fresh can of Coke. Or, malibu bay breeze.
18. Favorite ice cream: MOOSE TRACKS!! No contest.
19. Disney or Warner Bros.: whatever.
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonald's (#2 with a coke).
21. What color is the carpet in your bedroom? Hardwood baby. HARD WOOD.
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None. The dude passed me despite being 15 mph over the speed limit at all times.
24. Which stores would you choose to max out your credit card? Barnes & Noble, Anthropologie, Best Buy.
25. What you do most often when you are bored? Answer emails like these.
26. What is your bedtime? Lately, whenever I stumble home from the bar and find a way out of my boots.
27. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Jessica.
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Kevin.
29. Favorite TV shows: Six Feet Under, Fresh Prince
30. Last person you went out to dinner with: Carrie and Dan - Heidelberg fixtures.
31. Ford or Chevy? Why.
32. What are you listening to right now? Ivette yelling in Spanish.
33. What is your favorite color? Deep summer sky at twilight blue
34. Lake, ocean or river? Ocean. No, river. No, ocean. How about a hot tub?
35. How many tattoos do you have? Uno.
36. Time you finished this e-mail ? I'm not done yet, asshole.
37. Have you ever run out of gas? Damn close. Coast on fumes!
38. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Still in NYC, still eating cheese, still buying shoes.
39. The name of the book you just finished? Managing the Publishing Enterprise - Course Instruction Packet
40. The one place you've always wanted to visit? Italia.
41. Most stupidest thing you've done while intoxicated? If I could remember, it wouldn't be the "most stupidest," would it.
42. What's the fastest speed you've driven? 90+, hand on horn. get the fuck out of my way.
43. Ever write your name in the snow? Yes, with my FEET.
44. What's the last song you sang out loud? Dominic the Donkey, complete with interpretive dance.


Anonymous said...

I think my reply deserves posting....

Anonymous said...

You're from Fitchburg huh? I'm from Leominster...what highschool did you go to?

Small world by the way...considering I read your blog on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

Oh no--its the brother stalking ya!!!