
application status: pending

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe I've found my new home.

I called the broker of the apartment I looked at this afternoon, and I told him I wanted it. I spent the last 2 hours trying to gather digital versions of all my required paperwork (canceled rent checks, job offer letter, two years of tax returns, retinal scan, etc) and faxing them in with my application. Now I wait...

The new apartment, interestingly enough, is quite literally across the street from my old apartment. The addresses have a mere 24 units difference, which in this city, is practically the same building. So I'm excited.

I liked that neighborhood and its uncharacteristically large supermarkets (huge!) and proximity to the park (1/2 block!). Ooh, and that chinese place with the enormous, AWESOME steamed pork dumplings. And that other spot with the unbelieveable fluffy light guacamole. Oh yeah, I'm diggin' it. Big time!

But I have to remember it's not mine yet. Still waiting for the stamp of approval, at which time I sign over a sickening sum of money and my second-born child. (The first one was already signed over by a previous rental broker.)

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